Most companies pay all of their bills, if they didn't the economy would grind to a halt.
Shred your bills and shred your worries
Because most honest business owners pay their bills no mater the personal cost this allows some dodgy dealers to not have to pay at all, and in the end everyone else picks up the tap.
Tip #1 - Delay Delay Delay
I thought I had already sent that payment.
Tip #2 - Pass the Buck
Blame the bank, blame another company, blame your ex-husband. It doesn't matter who you point your finger at as long as it's not you. Be realistic about it, and use it to gain pity.
"Even though they owed me thousands, I felt like I was always still rooting for them, didn't work, I was never paid. But I did see Mack Jason flys private now" – Unpaid Supplier
Tip #3 - Ditch the phone
Most folk stop calling if you stop answering. You can also block numbers, and if all else fails ditch the phone.
Tip #4 - Mix it up
Say you did pay but you sent it to the wrong person.
Tip #5 - Finish strong
Liquidate - At the end of the day ltd companies are near impossible to get paid off if they don't want to. The cost to fight for your money is usually more that it's worth.... STINCS right.
It's just Business
If you feel guilty or ruthless, just keep telling yourself.... it's just business.